Applied Information and Communication Technology
in Education and Workplace - International Conference

Welcome to AICTE-2017

Welcome to 'Applied Information Technology in Education and Workplace'. The 2nd international conference will bring together international researchers, practitioners, and scholars to share, exchange, communicate and present research findings and new ideas in areas such as Information Technology, Education, Workplace.
Issues to be covered at the conference include, but are not limited to, the following areas:

    - Integrating ICT into education
    - ICT applied to workplace
    - The eLearning phenomenon
    - Software and hardware used in education - workplace
    - Educational projects
    - Personalized learning
    - 21st Century Educational Technologies
    - Collaborative learning

Information for authors of papers

To upload the abstract

Abstract: no more than 2000 characters with spaces following the outline:
An abstract is a shortened version of the research paper and should contain all information to determine:
(1) the topicality of the research;
(2) the aim of the study;
(3) methodology – how the study was carried out;
(4) the obtained results and the most important conclusions;
(5) the significance of the results;
(6) abstracts do not contain bullets, numbering and references.

- To upload the abstract click here .
- To see an example of the abstract click here .
- Abstract must be uploaded by June 10, 2017. You should receive some feedback form the 'Conference organizing committee' within 3 days.

To upload the paper

- Full paper must be in English and must be upload into the Conference electronic system.
- Length for a final paper is minimum 8 pages in A4 format. See the template.
- Reviewers' comments to your paper will sent to you, one week after you have uploaded it into the conference system.

To upload the Poster

In order to be included in the proceedings, upload the final version of your abstract and poster [Template for preparing the poster]
- Some guidelines how to design a Scientific Poster, you can find at LiLynn Graves, Web and Graphic Designer., CCMR


You full papers will be published in a electronic monograph after receiving the corrected version. It is expected to be done by 16.07.2017
best papers will be invited to published in our International Journal.